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TV  Appearances


Mary Hanson Show, Cable TV in Minneapolis


Oprah Winfrey Show

The image below is from an archived version of an older Oprah episode (circa 1992-93) titled Scared Silent. You can view the archived video at the University of Georgia’s website:

Fast forward the video to the 24 minutes and 35 seconds mark to view the segment featuring Mary Havens and her family. 

Oprah Winfrey episode titled Scared Silent

Podcast Interviews


Answers for the Family Talk Radio

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sychology Today, The Shadows in My Heart, Abused Women’s Aid In Crisis, National Association Of Adult Survivors Of Child Abuse, domestic violence, incest, child abuse, Mary Havens

Podcast Interview 10-10-2023

Mary Havens was interviewed on the MY House Podcast in October 2023 on the episode REDEMPTION Podcast: Season 3 Episode 4: Mary Havens.

You can listen to the heartwarming interview as Mary shares raw memories of her formative childhood growing up on a farm in Wisconsin and the love, laughter, and tragedy that can happen in a large family.